Seeds Have Arrived!

The seeds for the spring garden (and beyond) have arrived!  To me, there is nothing more hopeful than seeds; they represent new life. Children, especially, seem to be excited by seeds.  I’ve watched as they sort through a basket laden with seed packets, dreaming and wanting to plant everything.

            Seeds represent dreams.  We can dream of the foods we will eat and the flowers that will bloom.  We can dream of the joy of planting the seeds, and cultivating them, to be rewarded with plants growing.

            So I share with you the hope that these seeds bring – of an abundant garden (no matter the size!).  Hope, which fills this Christmas season.   

I hope that your Christmas season is joyful and full of hope and dreams. 

What Can I Plant Mid- to Late-March in Dallas?

Getting the itch to really garden with the great sunny days?  Here’s a guide to what you can plant now and for the next 2-3 weeks.

It’s still not too late to seed in

lettuces (look especially for the heat resistant varieties if you want to lettuce to last longer)
Swiss chard

Late March (depending on our having received our last freeze – usually mid-March), you can seed in:

Beans – all types
Malabar Spinach (a climber, but beautiful!)
Water melon
Summer Squash
Winter Squash (acorn, butternut)

And you can start setting in those transplants for tomatoes!  Wait a bit on the peppers till after April 1.