It’s been too long since I fired up a loom! During the visit of a good friend of many years (Larry), my H.L. Hammett was finally set up properly so that I could warp and weave.
The fine tuning really needed two people so that one could hold harnesses and such steady while the other adjusted. It took the better part of two hours (and Janet Meany’s copy of the Hammett loom manual helped tremendously!).
Now I have found that my warping board (made by friend Larry back in 1972 or 1973? – yes, we go back a ways) can be set upon the loom so that I can measure warp at a comfortable height.
My first project will be a black warp (yes, it’s going to be really fun to keep all those black ends straight and thread them through the heddles!). Black will offset the colors of the sheets I’m going to use as weft. I’m threading a chicken tracks pattern and wanted it to stand out.
Help I just purchased a JL Hammett loom. How much warp did it take to prepare your loom? Any help you could give me would be great. Thank you so much. Wanda
When I tie up my Hammett for rugs, I try to have enough warp for at least 3 and maybe 4 rugs, plus about a yard for loom waste and spacing between rugs. That means that for a 48″ rug, -I allocate about 52-54″, times 4 = 208-216″ for rugs, plus 36″ for loom waste = 252″ or 21′ or 7 yards. But sometimes because my warping board is great for 10 yds, I’ll add on another rug.
Does that help?
Thank you so much for answering my questions. When you transfer your warp to your loom do you use a tension box? I am new to this.
I don’t have a tension box. I just chain, and then wind on some warp, go around front and pull straight and tension, then wind again. It’s slow, but it’s the way I do it alone – great to have another person to hold the warp and keep it tensioned!
I am trying to understand how I warp my loom and how much warp to use. It is a little confusing
Debbie Reynolds has a great book on beginning weaving.
I usually put on at least a 10 yard warp, or 3-4 rag mats’ worth plus about a yard of loom waste.
I too have a Jl Hammet loom. Would love to converse with others who own these looms as I am just learning to weave. What brand of tension box did you find compatible?
I do not use a tension box when I warp. I just pull tight from the front, then run around back and wind on some warp and then go back to the front – unless I can find to help with the tensioning. Are you aware of a Facebook group called Antique and Vintage Floor Looms? there is also a Rug Weavers group on FB. Both have excellent information and helpful folks.